
no datanode to stop

I am now on the master after jps results :
19802 NameNode
20075 JobTracker
19987 SecondaryNameNode
20186 jps
111587 TaskTracker
Why Master there will be TaskTracker? ? Is not it is no

And I Datanode on very strange results after jps

18144 JPS
7137 TaskTracker
18077 TaskTracker
Why are there two TaskTracker ah ? ?

Then I run stop-all.sh Master no datanode to stop

I am now a Master, a Datanode such

And there is another problem that Datanode on the dfs tmp folder under the data folder is empty , there is no current file, I can not find the Datanode VERSION file, so can not change on Datanode the namespaceID

Will we have not encountered such a situation , seeking help, thank you very much
------ Solution -------------------- ------------------------
your datanode gone up Oh ~ pro ~
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I ask how do I do ? In the Master to do start-all.sh operation is not should be able to put Datanode up , Datanode not on what operating ? ?
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  The reply deleted by an administrator at 2013-03-15 21:30:18

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right, if the eye may be configuration problems , you can look at the log

