Previous stage, doing Iron Foundry and Cloud Foundry laboratory work, the successful completion of Iron Foundry and Cloud Foundry after communication, specifically to learn more about Iron Foundry and Cloud Foundry source distinction.
So in github official website will be vcap of Cloud Foundry and Iron Foundry of vcap made a return to the source of contrast.
relatively shallow because the contrast level, so there will certainly be oversights. But from the extent they already do, Iron Foundry Cloud Foundry just made on the basis of very, very small changes.
The following is my comparison of the results:
1.Iron Foundry will necessarily result in the installation process to add some information about So in vcap / dev_setup / cookbooks / cloud_controller / templates / default / cloud_controller.yml.erb There are some application parameters are subject to change; in vcap / ; dev_setup / cookbooks / cloud_controller / templates / default / runtime.yml.erb added aspdotnet other runtime; in vcap / dev_setup / cookbooks ;/ cloud_controller / templates / default / standalone.yml.erb added clr20 and clr40.
2. course, as Iron Foundry at installation time will be added some of his own service, for example, mssql and mssb (microsoft service bus), so in the vcap / dev_setup / cookbooks / directory will mssql and mssb files.
3. perform the installation when it is running on vcap / dev_setup / bin / vcap_dev_setup files, and Iron Foundry of the document also made few changes. Alter some relatively clear, specific detailed the following code:
declare-a CLOUDFOUNDRY_REPOS = (dea router cloud_controller)
declare-a IRONFOUNDRY_REPOS = (vcap stager)
It can be seen, when installed, some of the components of the download library is different, is dea router cloud_controller from github under the Cloud Foundry catalog, and vcap stager in from github Iron Foundry directory under.
4. stager this component in the module, Iron Foundry / stager's Gemfile be a slight difference, about vcap_stager of Gem Pack, Cloud Foundry is gem'vcap_staging ',' ~> 0.1.63 ',: git => '',: ref => 'bea99970', and Iron Foundry to gem'vcap_staging ',' ~> 0.1.63 ',: git =>' ',: branch =>' aspdotnet '. Specifically in the CF and IF run, there will be no difference, yet not been studied. Then Gemfile.lock also a corresponding change.
All in all, Iron Foundry and Cloud Foundry's vcap little difference.
The Iron Foundry's main feature is a node in another installation support. net of DEA service, thereby to connect Cloud_Controller.
------ Solution ------------------------------------ --------
previous stage, doing Iron Foundry and Cloud Foundry laboratory work, the successful completion of Iron Foundry and Cloud Foundry after the communication, specifically to learn more about Iron Foundry the difference between the source and Cloud Foundry.
So in github official website will be vcap of Cloud Foundry and Iron Foundry of vcap made a return to the source of contrast.
relatively shallow because the contrast level, so there will certainly be oversights. But from the extent they already do, Iron Foundry Cloud Foundry just made on the basis of very, very small changes.
The following is my comparison of the results:
1.Iron Foundry will necessarily result in the installation process to add some information about So in vcap / dev_setup / cookbooks / cloud_controller / templates / default / cloud_controller.yml.erb There are some application parameters are subject to change; in vcap / ; dev_setup / cookbooks / cloud_controller / templates / default / runtime.yml.erb added aspdotnet other runtime; in vcap / dev_setup / cookbooks ;/ cloud_controller / templates / default / standalone.yml.erb added clr20 and clr40.
2. course, as Iron Foundry at installation time will be added some of his own service, for example, mssql and mssb (microsoft service bus), so in the vcap / dev_setup / cookbooks / directory will mssql and mssb files.
3. perform the installation when it is running on vcap / dev_setup / bin / vcap_dev_setup files, and Iron Foundry of the document also made few changes. Alter some relatively clear, specific detailed the following code:
declare-a CLOUDFOUNDRY_REPOS = (dea
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------ For reference only ---------------------------------- -----
shallow level, so there will certainly be oversights. But from the extent they already do, Iron Foundry Cloud Foundry just made on the basis of very, very small changes.
The following is my comparison of the results:
1.Iron Foundry will necessarily result in the installation process to add some information about So in vcap / dev_setup / cookbooks / cloud_controller / templates / default / cloud_controller.yml.erb There are some application parameters are subject to change; in vcap / ; dev_setup / cookbooks / cloud_controller / templates / default / runtime.yml.erb added aspdotnet other runtime; in vcap / dev_setup / cookbooks ;/ cloud_controller / templates / default / standalone.yml.erb added clr20 and clr40.
2. course, as Iron Foundry at installation time will be added some of his own service, for example, mssql and mssb (microsoft service bus), so in the vcap / dev_setup / cookbooks / directory will mssql and mssb files.
3. perform the installation when it is running on vcap / dev_setup / bin / vcap_dev_setup files, and Iron Foundry of the document also made few changes. Alter some relatively clear, specific detailed the following code:
declare-a CLOUDFOUNDRY_REPOS = (dea router cloud_controller)
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